Saturday, May 24, 2008

*~As It Is In Heaven~*

A touching Swedish film that i watched, it's basicly about a famous ochestra conductor went back to his hometown to adress his childhood grievances and become the conductor of a church choir. This film was awarded as Best Foreign Film in 2005 and has been reviewed as "one of the best things to come out of Sweden since Abba". To be honest, it has been a long time since i've been impressed by foreign movie....

This is one of the song in the movie that touch me so much. I bet anyone who once listen to it will fall for it...

The one that is singing in this vidoe is one of the amateur singer from the choir group in the village that trained by the conductor...

A voice from Heaven!! Don't you think so? :)

Of course there are many other songs in this movie are SUPA!!! So WATCH IT! It's inspirational!! Love it!!

P/S: Eva, since you're so free now, why don't spend sometime watch this movie?haha..U'll like it!